My Little Spot in the Blogosphere

Because of the sad closing of Scrap-N-Tag, I will be joining the wonderful team at Scrap Outside the Box (SOTB). I had an amazing year with Carolyn and the gang at SNT and now look forward to my new venture at SOTB. I will post here as soon as my store opens, with a GRAND OPENING SPECIAL!

I will also update all my links so you can view my new and "old" products. I apologize for the inconvience.

See you soon at Scrap Outside the Box!

Thank you so much... Hugs, Toni

1 comment:

Thena said...

Your work is lovely.


Take a walk down Posh Avenue!

A few years ago my sister-in-law and I had a jewelry design business. The name of the business was "Posh Avenue". This kit is made in honor of those special days the two of us would spend together talking, laughing, sharing and creating our jewelry. Now you can create pages of your special days using this classy mini kit!

click on image to purchase or enlarge

Get it While It's HOT!

Hot! Hot! Hot! Just feel the luxury as you relax in the cool waters of a tropical island. Add some grunge and the fragrance of Hibiscus and you've just arrived in paradise! Yes, you are at Tropicali Alley! Be pampered with these sizzling, breezy colors as you scrap picture perfect pages of your lazy days in the sun.

Tropicalli Alley

Tropicalli Alley

Get this Quick Page FREE when you purchase the full kit!

So Shabby...So Romantic!

So shabby, so romantic, so perfect for all your treasured moments. That's Shabique Romantique! Create just the right touch for absolutely eye catching pages for Weddings, Prom, Mother's Day or Anniversaries. Works for anything with a hint of romance or even those special Heritage photos.

Shabique Romantique

Shabique Romantique

Get this QuickPage FREE when you purchase the full kit!

She's Got Moxie!

You know her...she's your Sister, your Mom, your Aunt, your Best Friend, even Yourself! She's that special gal that has what it takes...She's Got MOXIE!! This Mini-Kit includes my favorite color...purple and is named after my Black Lab and my moniker, "Moxie"!

She's Got Moxie!

She's Got Moxie!
click on image to purchase or enlarge